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Short Fiction

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The Marginal Ride Anthology
Deux Voiliers Publishing (2019)

Edited by Ian Thomas Shaw and Timothy Niedermann, with contributions from Sang Kim, Jerry Levy, Michael Mirolla, Timothy Niedermann, Ursula Pflug, Ian Thomas Shaw, Geza Tatrallyay and Caroline Vu.​


What is it to be marginalized? To be left out of society? Your ambitions thwarted by your circumstances? A man wanting to be Noah, a sadistic bandy-legged thug, a young girl abandoned on a boat of refugees, kids seeing the world through a bowl of spoiled rice, the twilight of death's approach—these stories and more are the grist of The Marginal Ride anthology. Eclectic in style, unflinching to the art of short fiction, eight Canadian and American writers present a brilliant array of themes. And Deux Voiliers Publishing invites you to take the ride with them.

ISBN 978-1928049548

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ISBN 9781771839297

Green to Grey: An Environmental Anthology
Guernica Editions (2025)

Edited by Ian Thomas Shaw and Timothy Niedermann, with contributions from Sang Kim, Jerry Levy, Michael Mirolla, Matthew Murphy, Timothy Niedermann, Ursula Pflug, Cora Siré, Ian Thomas Shaw and Caroline Vu.​


Time is running out!


Yes, folks, the writing is on the wall! Toxic pollution, fossil fuels and rampant consumerism are turning our beautiful green world grey. Continental forest fires, atmospheric rivers, rising sea levels and droughts are the news of the day. We have abused nature and now face its retribution. In this anthology, nine writers present through their fiction an eclectic view of the shaky ground on which we stand. Their stories range from political lampoons to dystopian futures, from the ironies of the present to nostalgia for a world past. Some are bitter, others poetically sweet, but all offer the same admonition: it is time for this invasive species we call humanity to get its act together or pay the ferryman.


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Choosing Eleonore
by Andrée A. Gratton
Translated by Ian Thomas Shaw
Guernica Editions April 2021

Choosing Eleonore tells the story of a one-way friendship, of tragic loneliness. In it, award-winning Québec author Andrée A. Gratton explores the syndrome of the delusion of being loved. Centred on two young women: Eleonore and Marianne, this is Marianne's story. From the first sentence, we feel that something is wrong in her perception of reality. "Long before we met, Eleonore had been dreaming of me," she says. But who is this Eleonore, whom Marianne had never spoken to? What is so fascinating about her? Not humiliation, rebuffs or rejection will disabuse Marianne of her certainty of being loved by Eleonore.



ISBN 978-1928049548

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Treize pierres
de Timothy Niedermann
traduit de l'anglais par Ian Thomas Shaw
Deux Voiliers Publishing (2024)

Treize pierres est un récit captivant sur l'esprit humain. Il explore la douleur de la perte et la lutte pour s'en remettre. Aïcha, une institutrice palestinienne, est profondément bouleversée, après qu'un missile tiré d'un hélicoptère israélien a accidentellement tué la plupart de ses élèves. Elle entame alors un rituel étrange, consistant à jeter des pierres sur le « mur de séparation », une barrière de béton de huit mètres de haut, qui sépare une grande partie de la Cisjordanie d'Israël, et symbolise la confiscation des terres palestiniennes. En prononçant le nom de chaque enfant décédé, elle lance une pierre sur le monolithe de béton. D’abord seule, elle est bientôt rejointe par d'autres villageois, ce qui transforme, peu à peu, son petit rituel en une manifestation de masse. Treize pierres est la traduction française de Wall of Dust by Timonthy Niedermann.

ISBN 978-1928049609

Ian Thomas Shaw

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