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On the Road in 2019

Ian Thomas Shaw

Things are looking up in 2019. My publisher, Guernica Editions, has organized some exciting book launches in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. I am particularly looking forward to the first launch of Quill of the Dove on April 6 in Vancouver, my hometown. It is always great to get back there. The launch at Massy Books in Chinatown will be with some great Guernica authors: Michael Springate, Arianna Dagnino and Alexandra Karb. Details are on my events page and also in this Facebook invitation. I would love to see many of you there. The Vancouver launch will be followed on April 14 with Guernica's spring launch in Toronto. This is the big event. It usually involves half a dozen authors with new releases and takes place in the Supermarket Bar in Kensington Market. On May 2, I will be launching Quill of the Dove at Paragraphe Bookstore as part of the Blue Metropolis Festival, Canada's largest bilingual writers festival.

Things are also picking up steam with reviews of the advance review copies of Quill of the Dove. While several of the long reviews are scheduled to coincide with the spring book launches, Goodreads already has sixteen short reviews listed. Check them out here! There is always room for more reviews. If anyone is interested in an electronic advance review copy, NetGalley will send you one. There is a registration process if you are not already registered with NetGalley as a reviewer or book blogger.

Now, I must turn my attention to my next challenge, which is to edit an anthology of short stories for my publishing-writers collective, Deux Voiliers Publishing. Called The Marginal Ride Anthology, it will include some outstanding writers, including Ursula Pflug, Michael Mirolla, Sang Kim, Caroline Vu, Jerry Levy, Tim Niedermann and Geza Tatrallyay.

Cheers for now,

Ian Thomas Shaw

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